As psychotherapists and counsellors, we are charged with helping our clients alleviate their pain and solve their problems. We acquire many years of training and spend countless hours doing just this. Through the years, therapeutic methods change; societal norms, values, and circumstances change; and regulatory and legal requirements change.  The needs of our clients, however, never change. They look to us for support, treatment, and even answers. They also count on us to be strong, capable, compassionate, and trustworthy.  This is why personal development and supervision are so important. They help us grow as therapists and provide high-quality services in a manner that is safe for our clients and ourselves.  As an accomplished psychotherapist and supervisor, I am dedicated to the values and principles of psychotherapy. Therefore, I work continuously on my own personal development. I am also committed to helping fellow therapists grow personally and professionally as well as build and maintain competent practices. 


Benefits of supervision 

Supervision gives us the opportunity to learn and grow in the following ways:  

  • Reflect on our experience and work with each client
  • Obtain clarity and understanding of the therapeutic relationship and its progress
  • Learn to apply theory to our practice
  • Identify and address relational dynamics
  • Address professional and ethical issues
  • Build upon our expertise
  • Develop our therapeutic styles
  • Become confident professionals
  • Learn how to take care of ourselves 


Attention to your needs 

We will discuss the concerns, feelings, and thoughts that are important to you, and I will assist you in gaining insight into these matters. I will also support you in addressing issues with your practice and professional development as well as help you achieve your goals.  


My skills and experience 

I have been in private practice for over 20 years. I also have experience working as a therapist, manager and supervisor in the NHS, therapeutic communities, and in bereavement and addiction services. As a result, I have in-depth knowledge about organizational dynamics within various client groups and thorough understanding of many therapeutic approaches. 


Academic support

I offer academic and editorial support to counselling and psychotherapy students writing essays, case studies, research projects and dissertations. I also help therapy trainees prepare for their Viva exams. I have rich experience in marking and providing support with essay and dissertation writing, up to Masters level. You can bring your material at my office where we can work on it together or you can email it to me so I can provide feedback and guidance. 


Training and Consultancy

I offer counselling and psychotherapy training and consultancy to individuals and organisations. I have experience in designing and delivering bespoke training for the NHS, mental health charities and counselling training programmes.  I have worked as a Counselling Tutor for 5 years at The Metanoia Institute (Middlesex University) and I am experienced in delivering lectures, workshops, group facilitation as well as one-to-one tutorials.

Life Counsel

34-44 Tunstall Road, Brixton
London, England


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Contact me today to receive high-quality supervision

Whether you are a newly practicing therapist or seasoned professional, I can help you build and maintain a competent practice. So contact me to arrange a time to talk.